Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Tale of a Prairie Date Night...

Fall was normally a very stressful time of year for me. It meant that I was mom, dad, cook, dishwasher, clothes washer, chauffer, bill payer, call maker/returner, chore doer, dog feeder, baker, cheerleader, friend, employee, daughter and wife. Hubby was harvesting.

Sometimes I loved all of it and sometimes I hated it depending on how close to the ditch I was as I sped down dusty dirt roads delivering all manner of items to various people and places.

As the years went on my harvest experience changed. No more kids to get to volleyball or hockey practices and games. Less loads of laundry to do and smaller meals meant that I had some time to ride along in the swather or combine. We used that time to catch up on the days events and sit close for some together-time.

Last night I was able to ride with hubby as he combined for some friends. He called me...can you come out for awhile? I got directions to the field and met him.

We are always looking for new date ideas but hands down, this is the best for any farmer...side-by-side in the combine, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, grubbie clothes on with bits of wheat chaff in your hair, the sounds of harvest all around. Yes, it seems to work.

The sun was slowly setting, streaks of golden yellow sunlight punctuated the dust cloud swirling around the combine as it sucked up acres and acres of a near perfect wheat crop.

I watched as hubby unloaded grain into a waiting truck.

...in awe of the bountiful crops
...thankful for new friendships
...senses alive with the sounds of harvest
...keenly atuned to each distinct element of beauty that surrounded me

It seemed that a deep contentment wrapped it's inviting arms around me in a warm hug. "Days like this make me happy to be alive," I said to my love.

He turned to look at me, our eyes locked. "What? I can't hear you!" I laughed...he had heard. And he agreed. It had been a good day.

And we all harvested happily into the night.

The End.


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