Thursday, January 5, 2012

Officer...I want to report a burglary!

Desolation comes over you when you've been burglarized... fear, an anger that screams aloud for retribution, feelings of the loss of control and a decision to ensure it'll never happen again.  All over STUFF that's been stolen from you.  We get righteously indignant and demand justice but it's still just stuff.

To be honest we haven't had anything stolen from us lately but I came across a you tube clip talking about what Facebook and Google don't want us to know and felt like I had been robbed.  The info was mildly interesting until Mark Z, founder of FB, was quoted as saying that the squirrel dying in your front yard has become more important than children dying in Africa (loosely paraphrased).   I blew a gasket...WHAT?  Has personal trivia become more important than death, disease, war, famine?  More important than getting out into the world and making a difference in someone's life? 

Apparently so...we're ridiculously happy sitting on our ever-expanding butts, creeping other people's lives through a computer screen and seem to have lost the compassion for societal issues that are all around us.  I am mad that I have allowed something dear to be stolen from me...


I admit that in the last several years I have thought very little about the theft of my time and the toll it has taken in my life.  I seem to have ignored the thievery and have actually accepted it as commonplace and *GASP* normal! 

I am ashamed to say that I have been a willing accomplice in this theft.  Not only have I left the door unlocked, but heavens...put out the welcome mat and drew a map of where to find the good china! 

I guess the only thing to do is take it back... one way is to start blogging more often.  I love to write and somehow in the midst of my twilight zone I let that lapse.  I love my freinds and want to spend more time connecting with them.  I also love to read and have committed to myself that this year I will read 12 biographies of fascinating people who changed their world long before anyone ever thought of writing a book about them. 

I have purchased my first book~ Bonhoeffer...very excited to dig into it.  Of course right off the bat I encountered a hiccup as I was making my list of 12...I only had #1 and couldn't think of any others!

INPUT REQUESTED PLEEEEEEEZE~ I would like your feedback on any biographies that you think are exceptional and worthy of a spot on my list of 12 for 2012.  Send me a comment about which one you like or think I should read and if I agree I will post it on the blog along with your name and recommendation of it!

ps~thanks for your patience as I set up this new blog.  If you're looking for me I'll be here to chat, hang out and share life with'll miss me if you try to find me anywhere else haha!



Anonymous said...

Great first choice for a biography, Rhonda. I read it a year or so ago, and I couldn't put it down.

Great thoughts in the blog, as well. "Normal" has become the new lazy. You made me think too, and I'm with you! 2012 is the year to Make some key changes.

Keep writing, and I'll keep reading!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda:

Enjoyed your blog! A book suggestion, but maybe u've read it, A Chance to Die... On the life of missionary Amy Carmichael. Very challenging read because of the life she lived.

Be blessed & I pray u can redeem the time this yr!

Lorie Rutten