Thursday, May 2, 2013

911...My Life is on Fire!

As many of you know (or heard)(or guessed)(or figured)(didn't care), we are


It has been a long road of talking about it, thinking on it and trying to decide if it is the right thing. How do we adequately explain this to our friends, family, co-workers and clients?
It must be a step up for you in your career, they say...well no, not exactly. You must have something better lined up down there...nooooo. You must know people...not a soul. Are you crazy? Hey~ now you're on to something!
Moving sounds so exciting doesn't it? It ranks right up there with fairytales and castles...dreams becoming reality~for some anyway. But then when we start digging under the surface a little we find no glamour in it. Almost as soon as we start thinking about it, we shut it down because we know it will be harder than we ever thought.
Unfortunately the shut-down button didn't work for us, no one pulled the plug on the atomic bomb and shouted STOP! WE'RE NOT GOING THROUGH WITH THIS! And so here we are disassembling life as we currently live it, in order to reassemble in another place with other people who we hope we are going to like, and who we hope will like us.

We have a moving company coming in to pack our life into many boxes. Some they will mark fragile...maybe you were thinking I meant my China. I was thinking more along the lines of all my kids' pictures, paintings and awards. How precious each one of those things are~way more valuable to me than dishes!
Some they will mark kitchen/utility...they will hold all of the wonderful memories I have of preparing meals and baking for my beautiful family. The hours spent huddled around the island...surrounded by flour and measuring cups, chocolate chips and cookie dough. Talking about life, building into them the desire to be wonderfully strong yet compassionate people who will change their world.
Some will be marked clips, towells, toiletries all reminiscent of hours spent getting ready to face the world. Some will say "kids' bedroom" and although I should be giving the kids their own things to store, I will take them along as a piece of me that I cannot let go of.
Clothing will have already been sorted through as I don't want any moving company to see the range of sizes I carry in my closet. Don't granny panties! They sold for a good price at the garage sale. KIDDING! I gave them away. KIDDING! I burnt the lot which I am now kicking myself for, they might have come in handy as temporary shelter until we get into our new place.
All joking aside, moving is hard work in every sense of the word. Not everyone is happy for you which steals a bit of the joy. It's painful to go through the memories of life you have saved and loving stored in order to decide what stays and what goes. You feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest when you think about the meaningful friendships that you've nurtured. So in answer to the question:
Here it goes..
We are alight with the passion of new discovery and adventure. We long to break out of the ritualistic monotony that seems to have pervaded our lives. We want to stretch and grow, meet new people, build into lives that are lonely and lost and broken. We hold by the disciplines that we raised our family with...FAITH, LOVE, HOPE, not getting stuck but being willing to step out and try new things. All of the great people we have in our lives right now stemmed from a conscious decision we made many years ago to follow God's leading and our own hearts to take on the world.
Kevin and I have made a pact. What have we agreed to? Simplicity. True Friendship. Togetherness. Adventure. Deep Love. Spiritual Growth. Lives Lived Well.
It all sounds good until we meltdown. When that happens (and it's bound to at some point along the way), please remind us why we are doing this, hug us and tell us you love us. Please pick us back up again and dust us off. Send us on our way with a good, swift kick up the rear and a hearty wave... 
We love you and thank you for building into our lives!


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